Giving Back - Boats As Art
As a contribution to give back to society, I endeavor to reuse commercial materials that otherwise would be waste and fill up our landfills. While searching for a different source of large scale material for a public art concept I recalled seeing old fiberglass boats manufactured since the 1970s stashed behind garages and decaying in boat yards. The curve hulls of dinghy’s and sailboats of all sizes intrigued me. The challenge was to create a way to see artful shapes in the rigid fiberglass hulls and then work these components into an art form. After exploring what tools work on fiberglass and experimenting with how to cut a boat to get the largest useful shapes and least waste, I made the first ‘proof of concept’ art pieces of abstract furniture and sculpture by slicing up a sunken dinghy. The resulting freeform art was encouraging in achieving the dimensionality I was artistically after while becoming truly distinctive fine art and not just a craft project. The initial tables and sculptures went to fine homes and penthouse apartments showing promise as an idea that could go a whole lot further. Then an excitement followed with supporters offering their boats to be made into my ever growing larger Boats as Art series outdoor art.
A number of Boats As Art sculpture are complete and available for sale. There are also distinctive designs ready to be built from sailboats and catamarans that I have on-hand that has a concept model showing what the built art would look like is available on commission.
If your group is looking for a participatory art project, I will come to your site to direct the core team how to create a well-built community centerpiece. A Boats as Art sculpture is an ideal way to transform small thinking about the repurposing of useless material into an art experience. The take away message for young and old is that quality art can be made right in your community by the people of your community.